Interview Hurdles

Securing an interview requires getting past a few hurdles.

Professional Résumé Hurdle

For now, a résumé is a job application requirement. The résumé length should never be the focus. An effective résumé is as long as it needs to be to communicate talents, experience, contributions, and education as aligned with a job need.

The audience reading and evaluating a résumé is who you need to keep in mind when creating the résumé. A résumé should be written for the reader. 

An effective résumé is a professional’s marketing document highlighting the best skills and talents aligned with a job need. The content should appeal to and persuade readers to learn more, leading to a job interview request. 

Job Application Hurdle

The majority of online applications can be presented to three audiences. First is an applicant tracking software (ATS) used by 80% of companies in the United States leveraging computer speed to scan mass résumés and applicants by searching résumé content for keywords, job titles, education, and other parameters.

The second audience is usually a person from a company, HR specialist or admin, who reviews the résumé. Sometimes recruiters are involved too. These professionals review résumé content searching for job aligned aspects to identify a small group of viable candidates who meet the selection criteria.

The third and final audience is usually a decision-maker who will review the résumé and interview a few select professionals. This decision-maker has the power to offer a job to an applicant.

Interview Prep Hurdle

You have been asked to interview for an ideal job. It is critical to research the organization and prepare for the interview. Only very rare (and very few) people improvise a conversation and receive a job offer.

Prepare your response for common questions like “tell me about yourself” and “do you have questions about the job.” Most public libraries have career books with interview questions so you can practice some responses. 

The interview discussion should be an opportunity for you to showcase your talents and contributions and is a chance to interview the organization so you can be confident the organization is a good fit for your career goals.

If you need help getting past interview hurdles, contact me

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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