7 Job Search Tips

According to a study conducted by The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, professionals will switch jobs on average about every four years. The following suggestions can be helpful if you are considering a job change. 

☑  Focus your job aim by taking time to explore career options, evaluate skills, and identify job targets.

☑  Identify an industry of interest. Or find organizations where you want to work.

☑  Organize a job search by planning and including activities broken into small weekly and daily lists. Schedule sufficient time to job search, as well as time away from job searching to avoid burnout.

☑  Designate a specific area in the home to use for a job search.

☑ Allow schedule flexibility to accept an interview, meeting, and networking opportunity.

☑ Commit to attending at least two networking events each month. Meeting new people can lead to lasting professional relationships and job market awareness.

☑ Consider getting support for your job search by joining an employment networking group or attending workforce center workshops. Contact your university alumni association. If needed hire a résumé writerand career coach.

A job search is like a marathon and takes time. Reward yourself for effort and consistency, not for results.


Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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