Let Your Resume Highlight Your Value

Employers want to know what you can do for them. When there are hundreds of applicants competing for the same job, a powerful résumé will clearly communicate a professional’s value in a way that is easy to understand and matches the employer’s need.

Introduction. After the contact information at the top of a résumé, there is a prime eye-catching space ripe for effective content. 

Add a job title that matches the job title posting. 

Include a few impressive contributions that highlight your talents and are aligned with the employer’s need. Provide concise and measurable information like “Grew revenue 75% in 12 months, delivering record territory sales results.”

 It’s not enough to state “effective communicator” or “team contributor” within the résumé. Declarations need to be backed up with evidence and examples.  

In the experience section support statements with quantified results. For example, if you indicate that you “successfully completed a project on time and within budget” (as have many other professionals) consider how that statement can be substantiated and state the impact to the organization. 

Include specific experiences within the résumé aligned with the job posting requirements. State similar proficiencies, actions, and talents you have contributed to show your value. 

Need help with your resume? Contact me to discuss your project.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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