5 Career Assistance Advantages

If you are one of the 38.6 Million who Have Filed For Unemployment in 2020, you probably know the pandemic job search stress and challenges.  Who is hiring? How do I make my resume stand out? How do I address gaps in employment?

Certified Professional Resume Writers (a.k.a. CPRWs) are educated and know how to address job transition concerns, including supporting professionals seeking work but out of the job market.

Whatever your unique circumstances, now more than ever, getting resume help will set you up for job search success. 

1.    Competitive Advantage

It’s tough to stand out from other applicants. Many talented people are in the job market, searching for companies who are hiring. 

Career advisors understand what hiring managers are looking for and how applicants encounter job application barriers with applicant tracking systems (ATS) and HR gatekeepers. For years I have been guiding clients through job search strategies and providing them with a competitive edge from targeted career materials (cover letter, resume, LinkedIn profile) using a one-of-a-kind approach.

Professional career documents (i.e., resume) provide compelling content, look sharp, and provide value by showcasing contributions and skills.   

2. Stand Out (in a good way)

Many people experience a job transition. Job seekers often wonder: 

●      Do I have the right skills and talents to offer an employer? 

●      How can I communicate my value in an interview and present that value on my resume?

●      How do employers understand the value I offer?

I help clients articulate their value by asking critical career questions to pull out valuable details, and then I create impressive career documents incorporating professional strengths employers want and need.

Effective resumes do not list only job responsibilities. And a general resume is not beneficial to an employer because it does not provide any unique value, nor does it answer why you are the perfect candidate for a job. 

3. Personalize 

First impressions are important! Using a resume template makes a first impression look the same as many other applicants. Instead, make a good impression with a customized resume offering personalized professional branding such as:

●      Job Specific Keywords

●      Color

●      Enhancing Images

●      Social Media Profile Information

●      Awards

Working together, we decide on the perfect combination of personalized touches to make your resume unique and a reflection of your professional style while appealing to hiring managers. 

 4. Gain Confidence

A job search can be frustrating. During the pandemic, a job search can seem to amplify uncertainty and be a daily struggle.

Working with a career advisor can be the perfect addition to a professional toolbox. 

During the resume writing process, professionals gain confidence by uncovering strengths to offer a potential employer. Having a job search strategy, clearly articulating your value, and being prepared for interviews avoids unwanted setbacks like job search fatigue, unemployment, and other stressful challenges. 

5. On Track

Just like when you are sick and visit a doctor, working with a career advisor during challenging situations can regain career health. Career advisors are educated to uncover professional value and translate talents to align them with company needs. 

If you’re new to the job hunt or a job seeker who hasn’t found a job fit, working with a career advisor could be a rewarding investment to get to the next professional level.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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