8 Career Management Tips During Any Economy

For just about everyone, 2020 has not been the type of year anyone expected. Moving forward in May 2020, it’s impossible to predict the job market and hiring demands. Life may be unpredictable, but there are proactive career management actions that can help. 

  1. Review your industry and any industries where you may want to work in the future. Monitoring jobs in a quickly changing economy can bring awareness of job scenarios, including areas quickly ramping up hiring activities.

  2. Watch for changes in consumer behavior that may have significant business impacts creating new market/job needs. Learn about hiring trends to understand new and unexpected job opportunities.

  3. Strengthen your professional brand by updating your LinkedIn profile and resume.

  4. Join professional associations to build your knowledge and network. Even during this unprecedented time, networking and increased skills are an efficient use of time.

  5. Gain additional skills through virtual training and online workshops.

  6. Nurture relationships to make lasting connections by focusing on the other person beyond your immediate professional needs or job search efforts.

  7. Employers who are hiring are onboarding employees out of necessity or due to urgent needs, so be diligent about your new position and figure out ways to quickly contribute.

  8. Take care of yourself. No employer wants to hire a new employee who is burned out.

If you are employed, consider yourself to be fortunate.

If you are unemployed, keep focusing on your career. The economy will change, it always does. 

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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