Career Assistance

By Ruth Pankratz, Gabby Communications

Career service providers, like other service providers, can generate positive or negative results. Many times, in the career industry, you get what you pay for, so know your career goals. If you want to secure a $100,000+ job, then the chances are good that a $50 resume template won’t be useful in getting a hiring manager’s attention. 

Career needs vary significantly from one professional to another. To secure the right type of help and gain a competitive career edge, consider the following:

1.     What do I need to support my career goals? Is a career change or career exploration the focus? Or is the career direction clear, but the need is a cover letter, resume, or LinkedIn profile? Maybe career documents are fine, but the challenge is searching for jobs and securing interviews. 

2.     Who can help, and why? Career counselors, certified resume writers, career coaches, and career advisors will vary in knowledge and support. For example, a certified resume writer has validated their mastery of resume writing skills through training, professional development, and testing. Certified resumes writers are dedicated to upholding high writing standards and must acquire additional training to retain their certification.

3.     Where do I find reputable resources? There are career associations offering career service provider information for a variety of needs. The National Résumé Writers’ Association (NRWA) lists certified and noncertified writing resources supporting various professional needs and budgets. The National Career Development Association (NCDA) offers resources to locate credentialed members nationwide.

A competent career professional can offer help with a variety of career needs, inform you of market trends, make connections with additional resources, and accelerate career goals. 

Ruth Pankratz is an award-winning, nationally certified résumé writer. To learn more, visit


Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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