Tell Me About Yourself

Most interviews begin with the question, “tell me about yourself.” It’s a question that is expected and can be answered in a myriad of ways. Preparing a strategic answer ensures you won’t miss an opportunity to steer the conversation’s direction.

Offering a response that provides comments about general career information when you moved to a location, family details, or extracurricular activities is a missed opportunity.

Every interview is a process to decide which candidates will or will not continue in the interview process. There is only one job. There will be only one job offer. Providing answers that are off-topic, provide no value, or seem random will prevent job offers. Answer each interview question focusing on your talents and contributions to differentiate you.

Tell me about yourself is one of the few times you get to decide the interview conversation direction. Introduce yourself by stating two or three significant skills that align with the job need. Provide a brief career summary stating your most recent job title, the job challenge (why you were hired), and one or two successes.  

For example, “During my 12 years of experience in human resources, I worked on various programs to engage and retain employees. As HR director at the city, I was challenged with slowing staff turnover. Using my HR knowledge, I developed employee mentoring, lunch and learn, and professional development programs, resulting in a significant 40% employee retention increase in one year. The impressive results have expanded HR employee programs to include global leadership and technical mentoring initiatives. From my proven employee program success, I know I can help your organization retain and engage employees.”

The interview is a way to determine what each candidate offers aligned with the job needs and organization’s culture. Responses to interview questions should be strategic and showcase your ability to fulfill the job need. 

Interview questions are opportunities to highlight your skills, achievements, and qualifications for the position.   

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

11 Suggestions to Improve Your Resume


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