Maintaining a Healthy Career

Managing your career can be challenging and it is important. Consider the following ways to keep your career healthy.

•   Keep skills current – attend courses, workshops, seminars and conferences. Include updated training information on your résumé and LinkedIn profile.

•   Certifications can provide a third-party credential supporting qualifications while helping to translate experience into talents that employers are seeking.

•   Demonstrate job requirement competencies in the résumé and within the LinkedIn profile by using detailed, quantifiable accomplishments.

•    Age proof the résumé by limiting the experience section to show 10-15 years of work instead of including an entire career history – there usually is not a benefit for mentioning every job ever held. Remove outdated and irrelevant information not related to the job aim.

•   Reconnect with former colleagues. Attend association meetings. Volunteer for events hosted by a company you want to learn about.

•    Be ready to act when provided with a career opportunity. Update career documents—résumé, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter—to be presented in confidence at the right moment. Be proactive instead of reactive.

Careers need attention, so take some time now to help your career in the future.


Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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