Tips During Job Transitions

Leaving the workforce by choice or through an organizational restructure can be stressful. Many professionals navigate a career change by including some of the following tips.

Minimize Concerns

Help future employers understand what you have been doing since being employed by including activities in the resume such as volunteering, fundraising, coaching, caring for others, completing a significant personal achievement, or gaining new skills.

For example, if you were volunteering and helped raise $1,500 for your child’s school serving on a fundraiser committee include that information. Gaining new skills like learning a computer language or securing a certification should be added to the resume. When possible include tangible and measurable achievements.

Experience Can Be Many Things

The resume experience section is not exclusively information reflecting full-time paid employment. The section can include significant contributions, accomplishments, and dates from volunteer positions if the experience increased knowledge or is relevant to a future job.

Experience—paid or unpaid—can contribute to a cohesive resume story, so think strategically about presenting resume content to communicate professional stability and growth.

Talent Improvements

Pursuing a different career or gaining new skills, certifications, or education? Place new skills and abilities near the top of the resume so hiring managers can easily understand how you can support their job needs.

Feeling isolated is normal after a change. Network, attend events, and build a community to avoid feelings of seclusion. Consider attending job support groups or other enriching events. 

Ready to update your resume showcasing new skills? Contact me to discuss your project.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

Cover Letter Power


Maintaining a Healthy Career