Job Search Considerations

A job search is always challenging. There are many considerations and ways to search, and everyone has an opinion on a job search approach. The following are some job search tips that tend to support most jobseekers’ efforts

Analyze Yourself.

Consider what you can offer an employer by assessing your skills, experience, education, training, and affiliations. What are you good at doing (skills, experience)? Looking at a few of your work reviews can help highlight talents and notable skills. Are there organizations you where you want to work? Or is there a particular industry of interest?

Review Career Tools.

Do you have a compelling cover letter and updated resume tailored to the type of job you want? If you enjoy social media, are your online profiles—LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.—updated with supporting evidence of your skills?

Create a Job Search Strategy.

How will you learn about job opportunities? Don’t use only one job search resource. Instead, learn about job openings by vising job posting websites (Indeed, LinkedIn, Virtual Vocations, etc.), review employer’s career information on their websites, look at any affiliation job boards, network with colleagues, consider employment agencies, connect with recruiters.

Do More Than Job Search.

Attend industry conferences, learn, and talk to attendees. Volunteer for a worthy cause and talk with other volunteers. Follow your interests which may expand your career network and awareness. Life is more than work.

Take Action.

Apply to jobs. Yes, some application processes are crazy long and intense. Take actions (even small steps) to move you closer to your career goal.

Prepare for interviews. While  you are not stressed by a pending interview, prepare a few positive career contribution stories highlighting your talents. Consider how you will introduce yourself in an interview. Pre-write a few interview thank you emails. Print a few resumes to share in an interview or when networking.


 A job search is work, it takes time, and you have to be persistent. Some people are lucky and get employed quickly. Most people don’t find a job right away. Create a job search strategy, refine your approach, learn new skills, network, and take action to increase your odds for finding the right job. If you’re not motivated, unsure, or want accountability help, consider hiring a job search coach.  


Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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2023 NRWA Career Tips for Job Search Success