Video Job Interview Tips

Preparing for a video job interview is similar to preparing for an in-person interview. Some video considerations and tips are:

1. Test Your Technology. Even reliable internet providers sometimes have issues. Check the internet speed and connection. Test the computer webcam, microphone, and background setup before the interview and install any necessary software updates. Write down or email flag the interviewer’s contact information, such as a phone number, so you can quickly contact the organization if you are experiencing technical issues the day of the interview.

2. Choose a quiet, well-lit spot for the interview. Remove any visual distractions or clutter. A busy coffee shop is not a good place for an interview.

3. Dress professionally. Yes, most organizations have casual dress codes. You are applying for a professional job and want to be perceived as a serious candidate, so wear appropriate business attire.

4. Same as an in-person interview, be aware of your body language and facial expressions. During the interview sit up straight, maintain eye contact with the computer camera, and smile occasionally.

5. Prepare for the interview. Be ready to answer common interview questions, including qualifications and detailed experiences. Have a hard copy of your resume and the job description for quick reference. Be mindful of the time, and budget your answers in a time-wisely way. Some interviews start late, so avoid scheduling anything immediately following the interview.

6. Send a thank-you email to the hiring team expressing your interest in the job, appreciation for the opportunity to interview, and some of your talents aligned with the job need. Need assistance preparing for a video interview? Contact me.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

Job Search Considerations