Career Transition Considerations

If you’re contemplating a career change, you’re not alone. Employees worldwide are reevaluating their work and considering job changes. According to the U.S. Labor Department, in August 2021, 4.3 million Americans left their jobs as part of the “Great Resignation” movement. The 2021 Work Trends Index, a survey conducted by Microsoft of more than 30,000 global workers, found that 41% of employees are considering a job change in 2022. 

Reasons for leaving a job may include feeling underappreciated, seeking higher compensation, or new challenges. Additional career considerations may include health or other personal reasons.

Ready to Change

Don’t quit a job without planning the next step. Employed professionals are more attractive to prospective employers. Although early 2022 is considered an employee’s market with job options, hiring processes are slow. It can take weeks to get through multiple interviews and the hiring process. It also takes time before receiving a new job first paycheck.

Start with getting clarity about the reason(s) why you want to make a career change. Your answers to the following questions may provide some career clarity.   

1.     Why do you want to change your job at this time?

2.     What tasks, culture, or other aspects do you want to be different in a future job? (Be specific.)

3.     Is compensation in your current position an issue? What amount of compensation do you think is fair? Research salary ranges for your job and location.

4.     Are there additional benefits you want in the next job? (stocks, incentives, insurance, etc.)

5.     Describe your perfect job and be specific. Are there skills or training you need to get to ensure job success? 

6.     How will you find your next job? Consider how you found your current job and consider using a similar approach.  

7.     What is one action you can do today to move you closer to a new job?  

Create a Plan

Research to learn about options. For example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employment projections program shows growing occupations and information about the labor market.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts surveys regarding pay and benefits.

Start networking. Where do you want to work (what organizations)? Use LinkedIn to see if you have connections to employees at the organizations. Review the organization’s website and LinkedIn page. Consider leveraging your network to connect with recruiters and hiring managers.

Only you know if it’s the right time to make a career change. Reflect on your career contributions, evaluate your job satisfaction, and review your career goals to understand the best next steps.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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