Strengthen Your Resume

It’s easy to forget about a resume. Then an ideal job is presented, and the scramble to create an effective resume can be overwhelming and stressful. January is a great month to review career documents, update contributions, add training and certifications, and make other changes. The following resume checklist and suggestions can help refine your document into a powerful resume.

Clarify. A general resume used for a variety of work opportunities will rarely generate interviews. Instead, identify a targeted job; and ensure the resume content supports the job needs. A robust resume includes job-relevant skills and career contributions.

Refine. Resumes can become lackluster by listing a “career obituary” stating every job an applicant has done. Instead, refine content focusing on relatable jobs, talents, education, and quantifiable contributions supporting the targeted position. There is a balance for a resume to show a career journey while also showcasing how you can be a valuable asset.

Customize. Show an alignment between what the job needs/requires and your experience, skills, and education. Customize the resume with the job title, industry experience, optimized contributions, and specific keywords.

Modernize. Dated formats make a poor first impression. Remove an objective statement and the phrase “References available upon request.” Functional resume formats are only effective for certain circumstances. Chronological formats are the most common format but can be dated if the content is not targeted. Using color can help a document make a good first impression.

Advice. Everyone has a resume opinion—but only the hiring leader’s opinion matters. Soliciting career document input can generate feedback that is one person’s opinion and not a fact. Well-meaning family members and friends can give outdated advice like “your resume should only be one page” because they may not know job search trends. That’s one reason why professionals hire career service providers, to gain insights, support, and guidance aligned with hiring trends.

Contact. It seems obvious, but several applicants will forget to include a current phone number or email on the resume. Verify the resume’s contact information is current. Check your phone voice mail to ensure it works and can accept messages. Test your email and review social media profiles. Consider including a link to your LinkedIn profile URL.

Variety. A resume is one tool in a job search. Other career considerations are an updated LinkedIn profile, a customized cover letter, a list of references, a thank you note, a biography, and job-specific items such as a 30-60-90-day plan. Creating a job search strategy can help guide daily and weekly job search actions!

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

Career Transition Considerations


Create Powerful Resume Content