Li Wang Li Wang


It’s tough to negotiate. Over-eagerness and desperation are easy to see. And the desired outcome won’t happen if you fixate on issues. To settle a win-win, be willing to take risks and be proactive.

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Li Wang Li Wang

Resume Gaps

Work gaps are common, and many professionals experience career interruptions. There are strategic ways to address resume work gaps to support career goals.

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resume Li Wang resume Li Wang

Who Reads My Resume?

Three readers will review most resumes – an applicant tracking software (ATS), a gatekeeper (HR representative) and a hiring manager. Getting past the ATS can be a challenge and candidates typically interact with an ATS when they submit an online form.

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Li Wang Li Wang

Networking Basics

Networking may or may not be easy for you. The fear of rejection or self-worth issues can be barriers to meeting new people. Read this blog to learn a few ways to network.

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Li Wang Li Wang

Let Your Resume Highlight Your Value

Employers want to know what you can do for them. When there are hundreds of applicants competing for the same job, a powerful résumé showing your value can provide a competitive edge.

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LinkedIn Li Wang LinkedIn Li Wang

LinkedIn Profile

There are many ways LinkedIn can support career goals. For example, if you want to attract recruiters to your profile, then start by optimizing the profile content and adjusting a few settings.

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Interview Li Wang Interview Li Wang

Interview Ready

Preparing for an interview can be stressful because there are many unknown factors. So, to lower stress, focus on areas that you can control. Some interview questions are easy to anticipate and prepare for by considering the following.

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Li Wang Li Wang

Career Advice

I’m unhappy in my job, but I can’t make a career change right now. What do you suggest?

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Li Wang Li Wang

Resume Updates

Sometimes a resume does not get desired attention from hiring managers. There can be many reasons for lack of communication after submitting a resume. Start by verifying resume details that can include…

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Li Wang Li Wang

Optimize LinkedIn Profile

For many professionals, after creating a LinkedIn profile the next step is to optimize the profile and build a network. Learn more about LinkedIn profile options.

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